No, tomatoes do not contain nicotine.
No, Nicotine is a carcinogen.
Yes, seeing as how they contain tobacco....
Nicotine is a drug in itself. So anything containing nicotine is a drug.
well depending on what barbecue you have... if you light it with a lighting torch it is full of gas... if you light it with a match it contains nicotine! so gas barbecues contain nicotine ! =)
No, a nicotine patch will not elevate the blood alcohol level reading on a breathalyzer test. Breathalyzers are designed to detect alcohol in the breath, not nicotine.
Yes, a tobacco leaf contains nicotine.
Nicotine is primarily found in the leaves of tobacco plants.
Some examples of foods that naturally contain nicotine include tomatoes, potatoes, and eggplants.
No, pure nicotine does not contain carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide is produced when tobacco is burned, releasing harmful gases. Pure nicotine itself is a colorless liquid that can be found in tobacco plants.
Nearly anything in the OTC section of a pharmacy contains drugs. Even some of the foods and drinks we enjoy contain drugs. Coffee has caffeine, while tea and chocolate contain caffeine metabolites. Cigarettes contain nicotine, while wine and beer contain alcohol.
Does zigzag blunt wraps contain nicotine.