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No but if you pick it the scab will be a scar

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Q: Does a scab leave a spot?
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What do you do if yo have a scab?

Leave it alone! Don't pick it! It will leave a scar.

When my scab on my leg came off so did the pigment and now i have a white spot on my leg what can i do to make the spot tan again?

you can put a patch that is tan on it

What is the difference between a scab and a virus?

A scab is a dried-up, crusty patch of dead skin on any part of your body on the skin. A virus is completely different from a scab, because a virus is what messes up computers, or carries colds and other diseases (diseases like the flu, the common cold, etc.) that affect human health. Though, the only way in which a scab and virus are related is that if the scab is scratched off, or there is an open spot in the scab, a virus could enter the body through the scab.

What happens when your scalp bleeds?

The blood will clot and turn into another scab. If you pick this scab, it will bleed again and will take longer to heal and leave a much worse scar.

What happens if you pick a scab?

if you pick a scab it will leave a mark for life and i think nobody wants that.

What will happen if you leave a burn mark alone?

it will heal on its own just leave it alone and don't pick at the scab if you have one or it will scar

How do you heal broken skin from pulling pimple scab off?

You leave it alone until it heals.

How do you heel cuts?

Out a plaster or leave to air, don't pick the scab or re cut it as it will scar

What grows over a wound as. It heals?

A scab

How long do you leave a spot treatment on?

It depends on what type of spot treatment it is and what it is for.

I got deep road rash on my tattoo and a spot healed with no ink The ink came out in scab Did some of the ink go into my body?

most probably.