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Q: Does a proper diet always prevent disease?
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What's the best cure and diet to prevent Molluscum Contagiosum from happening?

To avoid this type of disease doctors always recommend us a good diet based on foods rich in vitamins and minerals and a bit of exercise to prevent the disease and also have a healthy life.

What disease is caused by a lack of proper diet?


Why should one have a cardiac diet?

The Cardiac Diet is a simple three day diet designed for individuals who have a history of heart disease or for those who are at risk of heart disease. The purpose of this specialized diet is to lower and control blood pressure and weight concurrently. By following the cardiac diet you can help prevent a heart attack and the complications of heart disease, resulting in a longer, healthier life.

What cardiovascular disease risk factors can be controlled?

If your question is true or false your answer is: False :)Cardiovascular disease can result from your genes and/or your environment (diet, etc), so, proper diet and exercise alone cannot entirely prevent disease. However, it can greatly lower your risk of getting it and/or prevent its symptoms from negatively affecting your life.

What is the name of the set of science based diet and physical activity recommendations that are intended promote health and prevent disease?

that's an ordinary diet. if you maintain a healthy lifestyle whilst eating the proper food then you will stay healthy

The DASH diet plan was devised to prevent?

Chronic kidney disease

How does exercise impact senior's health?

Proper diet and regular exercise form the foundation of senior health. A nutritional diet and physical activity can help prevent diseases such as cancer,stroke,heart disease, and diabetes. can help manage diabetes,high blood pressure,and heart disease.

What are the dietary guidelines for Americans.?

A set of science-based diet and physical activity recommendations that are intended to promote health and prevent disease. (apex)

What group determined that diet and cleanliness will help prevent disease?

Vitamins and Minerals

How can I prevent getting celiac disease?

Celiac disease is an autoimmune condition triggered by gluten consumption in genetically predisposed individuals. The best way to prevent it is to avoid gluten-containing foods. If you suspect you may have celiac disease, consult a healthcare provider for proper testing and diagnosis.

What is the disease that develops when bones lose mass as a person gets older?

That would be osteoporosis where the bones become more porous and brittle, and break much more easily. Exercise and proper diet can play a large role in helping to prevent this disease.

Will a good heart health diet help to prevent heart disease?

Heart disease is the Number 1 killer in the United States. There are many preventative measures that can be taken to help prevent Heart Disease. A wonderful and more promising preventative measure is a good heart Healthy Diet!