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I had a catheter for 2 weeks due to an enlarged prostate caused by taking over the counter cough medicine! Well going in was kind of weird as the catheter enters the bladder but brought grateful relief as immediately urine enters the catheter bag. So that was worth the discomfort. It actually was very handy not needing to use the bathroom as you go at anytime since the bag is strapped to your leg. The bag has a valve and when the bag is full you just empty it The nurse was very quick taking it out but it is a kind of curl your toes feeling - did cause some anxiety when the procedure was being done. The nurse said many people with disabilities do this several times a day on their own - so I guess I couldn't be a wimp.

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16y ago
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10y ago

There can be pain when inserting male catheters. It depends on the person and his sensitivity level, as well as the skill of the person doing the insertion and the type of catheter being used.

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15y ago

i have ms and cath myself 5 times a day, its not the coolest thing in the world but its really not bad at all. It happens quickly so any discomfort is over once its fully inserted wich takes like 4 seconds. no biggie, dont sweat it

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Q: Does a penile catheter hurt
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Yes it does.I've had it for a year and a half and get it changed once a month. I hurt everytime i get it changed. But the pain only last a min or two.

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A homophone for "penal" is "penile."

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The code for a Quniton catheter is 36800. The quniton catheter is a catheter that is a dual lumen catheter that is used on a semi-permanent basis.

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Does inserting a male urinary catheter hurt?

Absolutely! Uncomfortable is just a lie. Insertion of a catheter is likely one of the most feared experiences as a young male, right up there with having a prostate exam. As previously mentioned, yes, it is uncomfortable but discomfort is different from pain. The insertion, and subsequent removal, of the catheter is really quite painless. Some pain does exist, and I'll get into this later, but all reasons for having a catheter inserted are far greater than the comparatively minor "pain" that it can cause.

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v44.6..for suprapubic catheter status - V55.5 is for attention to suprapubic catheter

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