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He probably attracted to you, yes.

That or you had something on your face.

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Q: Does a guy like you if he does a double take?
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Well it really its up to guy...but if you really like him go for it

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most likely into your sex appeal.

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Well, its ok for them to hang out. If you trust her, then yes, if not then go with her. Like a double date.

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Maybe hes rubbing his eyes to double-take because of how beautiful you are

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kik ur bff in the face and u take the guy!

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Tell the guy that you like him, it might take some time but if your really nervous get a friend to tell him.

What do you get when you mix a white guy with a black guy?

Nothing all you need to do is get over with your life..... Even if you are rasit..., plus if he is white with a black wiener it's like an Oreo and then it is like a double stuffed treat :)