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Q: Does a growth hormone really make you taller?
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Can you get describe pill to make you taller by a doctor?

You can be prescribed HGH (Human Growth Hormone) or different versions of that to help with growth.

Does sprint increase height?

Yes it does. It is a high intensity exercise which will boost growth hormone drastically. This will make you taller.

Does sleeping make you tall?

Yes sleeping does help you to grow taller. This is because during sleep the pituitary gland produces and releases the growth hormone into the bloodstream. The growth hormone cause the bones to become stronger and lengthen.

What is estrogens role in growth I read it plays important role in metabolism and growth heightdoes it make any change on my height ifI take estrogen pills I mean does it make me taller than I am?

estrogen as little effect on growth hormone, it function mainly in the reproductive system, but it will not make you grow taller but will develop your secondary sexual characteristics...

Is there any concrete way to increase your height beyond your maximum genetic potential?

A hormone called human growth hormone (HGH) will help some people become taller if they are given it before the growth points in their long bones have not closed. In other words, when they are still children. Reputable doctors only prescribe it when they think the child has a growth hormone deficiency. After those bones have stopped growing, only painful surgery and a unique device can make anyone taller.

Is there medicine that makes you grow taller?

Human growth hormone will make you grow taller, but this may or may not be medically advisable. People do usually grow on their own, since the human body produces its own hormones. If you have a hormonal deficiency, your doctor can prescribe hormones for you.

Will human growth hormone make you a superhero?


What sport gets you a taller?

No sport will make you grow taller. Growth is a matter of nutrition and genetics.

Can weight lifting during your growth spurt make you taller?

not necessarily

What is something that will make you grow a lot?

Human growth hormone (HGH).

Will hgh make my muscles grow?

Yes, the Human Growth Hormone (HGH) can make your muscles grow

Do human growth hormone supplements make your face grow bigger too?
