No. It doesn't mean she hates you. It means she is not sure about you yet and is not sure how to take the compliment. She might feel rushed. But don't worry, take your time, but not to long. Girls hate that. I'm a girl and Ive been on a few awkward dates where the guy rushes. I hope I helped.
He doesnt hate any girl he Treats them with Respect
no he doesnt hate her they are actually friends and he thinks she's a "cool girl"
It is possible that the boy did something inadvertently that caused the girl to hate him. Or that she hates him cuz she has feelings for him but she doesnt want him to know
Ok he doesnt hate me but I hate him because he doesnt talk to me so yea he hates me I am adriana
Just say "sure" to her. Ignore her afterwards, it is always better not to hurt people.
When a girl compliments you, it means she is interested in you. Try to be cool about it and downplay it when she's around... unless you like her back. Then say, "Thanks, (insert something nice here)" And smile... a smile is key to letting her know that you like her. Definitely flirt with her and make her feel special. Good luck! That is not true, sometimes it is, but not all the time. Right now, I have to write down compliments to every person in my class. Most of them I hate, but I still have to do it. Anyway, it is not always a girl is trying to flirt with you. She might just be trying to be nice.
The only way he could hate you is if he told it to your face... if he doesnt have the guts for that he doesnt hate you!
it doesnt hate you it is how you treat it
he doesnt really hate one
he doesnt hate koreans..he's not racist..
A. He knows the girl will beat him up so says no B. He really is tuff and doesn't want to hurt her. C. He likes her and doesnt want the girl to hate him.
i think they hate you