She has a sister 8 years younger than she. Her name is Ann. Her younger brother by 10 years is named Alan.
Sandra day oconner
82 years old
Brother was named Alan sister was named Isabella
Yes. Sandra Day Oconner was appointed by President Reagan and recently retired. There are currently three women serving on the the Supreme Court.
The first lady on the supreme court was Sandra Day Oconner
"Brothers and Sisters Day" (not to be confused with "National Sibling Day") is celebrated on May 2nd each year.
Sondra day oconner
24 hours
Brothers and Sisters - 2006 Family Day 1-11 is rated/received certificates of: Netherlands:6
Yes. One sister (Della) and three brothers.
President Ronald Reagan nominated Sandra Day O'Connor to the US Supreme Court in 1981. O'Connor, the first female justice on the Court, retired in January 2006 in order to spend more time with her husband, Jay, who has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease. Justice Samuel Alito succeeded Justice O'Connor.
Day had two older brothers, Richard and Paul