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No, damage to the AV node causes total heart block, in which signals from the atria fail to reach the ventricles and the ventricles beat at their own intrinsic rhythm of 20 to 40 bpm.

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Q: Does SA node damage cause heart block?
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What is the damage to the AV node totally or partially releasing the ventricles from the control of the sinoatrial SA node?

heart block

What is a blocked or delayed electrical impulse from the right atrium to the left atrium?

Are you sure you mean right to left atrium (SA block) or do you mean AV block. If SA block the node at the junction is blocked a person will feel light headed and the secondary node will have to keep the heart pace up. The SA node is the primary pacemaker. If it is an AV block the signal will not be transmitted to either ventricle and it too will cause the heart to slow or a beat to be dropped.

How is the action of the pacemaker is related to the symptoms of heart block and fibrillation?

In a Cardiac condition known as heart block, there is an interruption in the message from the SA node to the AV node. The interruption can occur in varying degrees.

Explain how the action of the pacemaker is related to the symptoms of heart block and fibrillation?

In a Cardiac condition known as heart block, there is an interruption in the message from the SA node to the AV node. The interruption can occur in varying degrees.

What does a heart block do to impulse transmission in the hearts?

Heart blocks slows impulse and lengthens the QRS complex of ECG; over all lowers the pulse

What is happening during a complete heart block?

Complete heart block is where the electrical impulses from the SA node of the heart cannot reach the ventricles along the normal pathway. Instead the atrial contract from the SA node singles and the ventricles contract from the ventricular cells

How would damage to the sinoatrial node affect the heart's function?

The heart wouldn't beat at a constant rate.

How would the ECG be affected If there is a complete block between the SA node and the AV node?

If the atrial conduction system (the SA node and bachmann bundles) and the ventricular conduction system (the AV node and purkinje system) are completely separated, third degree heart block develops. In this case, the SA node will continue to depolarize the atria at its own intrinsic rate and the ventricles will be depolarized by a focus either in the AV node or in the ventricles.

Does damage to the AV node decrease heart rate?

There are specialized areas of cardiac muscle tissue (1%) in the heart that are autorhythmic (self-exciting). These cells compose the CCS (Cardiac Conduction System) and are responsible for initiating and distributing cardiac (electrical) impulses throughout the heart muscle (cause the heart to beat).These specialized areas together coordinate the events of the cardiac cycle, which makes the heart an effective pump. The main area called the Sinoatrial Node (S-A Node) is found in the right uppermost atrial wall. It is called the primary pacemaker producing a rhythmically and repeatedly [60-100 per minute] cardiac impulse.Any damage to the S-A node will slow the heart rate. There is a secondary pacemaker called the A-V node. This pacemaker will continue the beat but at a slower rate.

How fast would the heart beat if the AV node were diseased as occurs in total heart block?

more than 90 beats per minute

What is the main pace maker of the heart?

The primary pacemaker of a normal healthy heart is the sinus node (or SA node). It is located in the right atria of the heart.

What would a nonfunctional sinoatrial node do?

It would cause the heart to stop beating in a autorhythmic fashion.