Caleb Followill's birth name is Anthony Caleb Followill.
Caleb followill
Caleb Followill was born on January 14, 1982.
Caleb Followill was born on January 14, 1982.
Caleb Followill was born on January 14, 1982.
Caleb Followill is engaged to be married to Lily Aldridge, a Victoria's Secret model.
Caleb Followill is 35 years old (birthdate: January 14, 1982).
No. Coldplay's lead singer, Chris Martin, has only been a member of the The Rocking Honkies, The Rockin' Honkies, and Coldplay. Kings of Leon is composed of brothers Nathan Followill, Caleb Followill, Jared Followill, and Matthew Followill.
Caleb Followill (Caleb), born January 14, 1982, is the singer/frontman for an Alternative Rock band named Kings of Leon.
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