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They don't really shrink. The skin is very elastic, but when it's cold, it contracts in order to preserve heat.

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Q: Do your nipples shrink in the cold?
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Related questions

Do nipples shrink with age?

Yes they do

How does cold weather effect on women breasts?

Cold weather can cause nipples to become erect and nipples and breasts to shrink due to vasoconstriction, a narrowing of the blood vessels in response to cold temperatures. Some women may also experience discomfort or chafing from the cold weather. It's important to keep the chest area warm and protected in cold weather to maintain comfort and health.

Can nipples get sore due to cold weather?

Nipples can get sore due to cold weather.

I'm 15 female and a 34 D in bra size your nipples are quite big will they shrink as you get older?

yes they definitely will as you get older women start to get wrinkles everywhere which cause a woman's nipples to shrink

Is it bad for your nipples to hurt?

No. Nipples will harden as a reflex when they are stimulated or cold.

Why don't my nipples get hard?

Genetics,,, I once had A girlfriend that had nipples that were undetectable without your eyes.

Why would your nipples be purple sometimes?

Your cold, have weird nipples or your turning into a warewolf ;)

What causes erected nipples?

Its cold!

Does metal shrink when cold?


How cold does it have to be for a glacier to shrink?

It doesn't shrink, it melts. But when it is too hot, and no cold comes back. It melts.. just like ice.

Does cold air shrink or stay the same?

Cold air contracts and becomes denser, so it tends to shrink in volume. This is why inflated objects like balloons or tires appear to deflate in cold weather.

Why do nipples become hard?

Becuz were cold!! =p