Adult molars do not grow back. Infant molars are replaced by adult molars, so in a sense, infant molars do grow back.
Yes when molars fall out they grow back !!!
If it is your baby molars fell out, then they will grow back.
Yes. Like all other teeth molars have two sets of teeth. If you loose your first set (Baby teeth) they will grow back into adult teeth. But if your adult teeth fall out (second set) just like other teeth they will not grow back. It is painfull to have teeth missing, but you get used to it.
the large flat molars in the back of your mouth
Yes, if you have wisdom teeth. Not everyone has four. Some people don't have any. They normally grow at the back of the gums, but in some cases grow sideways and have to be removed.
All molars are teeth adapted for crushing and chewing food.
MOLARS Teeth, flattened, near back of mouth, for chewing
The correct name for the teeth at the back of your mouth are molars. They are responsible for chewing and grinding food.
Molars are located at the back of the mouth, behind the premolars. They are used for grinding and chewing food. Adults typically have 12 molars, with three molars in each quadrant of the mouth.
Molars, the teeth in the back of your mouth.
The teeth of an animal.
NO. Premolars and molars are 2 distinct types of teeth. The suffix pre- is intended to denote that they are positioned before the molars. It is not intended to mean that they later turn into molars.