No. They don't. your knuckles are where they should be... farther down your fingers... those are your only knuckles.
Knuckles the Echidna has only three fingers because echidnas have connected fingers
The knuckles are the points where the fingers join the hand. They are located at the base of the fingers, connecting them to the metacarpal bones in the hand.
No. There is no evidence that cracking your knuckles or fingers will lead to any adverse consequence (not even arthritis).
It's a birth defect. My daughter has no pinky knuckles and no knuckle on her left ring finger. They are the very bottom knuckles, also her knuckles fingers are stunted slightly. Look closer at your fingers they may be abnormally short, but don't worry this just makes you awesome. :)
No. Cracking the knuckles does not damage tot he joint.
Bending your fingers is a more likely reason that they are wrinkled.
The knuckles are joints in the fingers and can be seen when one clenches their hand in a fist. The functions of the knuckles is to allow for bending and movement of the digits.
Knuckles are the bony prominences on the top of your hand where fingers are attached.
The joints of the finger that start with "kn" are known as knuckles. These are the points where the fingers bend where they meet the hand.
no I've being doing that for years and noting happened to my fingers.
The knuckles are the joints of the fingers and toes, which are brought into prominence when the hand is clenched and a fist is made. The word is derived from the diminutive of a word for bone, found in German Knochen/Knöchlein. Medically, it is said that the knuckles are formed by the metacarpophalangeal and interphalangeal joints of the finger. The knuckles at the base of the fingers are known as the major knuckles while the knuckles at the midfinger are known as the minor knuckles. The sound you hear when you crack your knuckles is actually the sound of carbon dioxide gas bubbles bursting.