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I think that younger woman meke better mothers because they are closer to the age of their child. If an older lady has a child, they will not remember as much as younger women remember about the things that happened to them. It is harder for them to change what happened to them as a child. Not like that wiht a younger woman!!

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Elnora Herman

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Q: Do younger women make better mothers?
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Why do younger women make better mothers?

I think that younger woman meke better mothers because they are closer to the age of their child. If an older lady has a child, they will not remember as much as younger women remember about the things that happened to them. It is harder for them to change what happened to them as a child. Not like that wiht a younger woman!!

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younger women with LOTS of energy and patience are the best. why not men? not to be sexist, but women are mothers, therefore they are able to give the students a motherly attidude. patience is essential because preschoolers WILL make messes and cry and whine. hope this helps!

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When you train them to do different tricks the younger the better.

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No. They are still learning themselves and would not take on that responsibility. They could however, teach younger kittens how to do things as the younger kitten would watch the older kitten(just as younger siblings look up to their elder siblings.

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How did Beecher believe women could make social changes?

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How did Catharine believe women could make social changes?

Catharine Beecher believed that women could make social changes as mothers and teachers by helping to shape the views of men and boys.Catharine Beecher held the opinion that women should not be active in politics, and thought they could have the largest social impact as teachers and mothers. Beecher was an anti-suffragist.

Do women take better decisions about food and grocery?

Yes, because most women are wives or mothers and have an eye for low cost to fit a budget and nutrition for the health of their family. Men have a tendency to purchase groceries that appeal solely to their tastes without considering the tastes of their family members. I also believe that single women also make better decisions than men when it comes to healthy eating.