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i havent took a dookie since i was in highschool( im 24 years old) my doctor gave me some pills to stop my body from "pooping"

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Q: Do you poop alot
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red beans ( alot of them )

Do lions poop alot?

Depends on their diet.

How much do teacup pigs poop?

Yes alot

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grammer check: read title sometimes when you fart it is poop but alot of times it is gas.

Why do you poop alot?

you eat allot of fiber you have to much flub

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Do unicorns poop marshmellows?

Only if they eat alot of sugar that day.

What does animal testing do to the animals well-fare?

it makes them poop alot

How much can you poop?

alot than ur father having a shag

Does a person with HIV poop alot?

HIV infection does not affect bowel movements.