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Q: Do you only grow when you are asleep?
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What do bones do when you are asleep?

they will grow

What happens to your bodies during sleep?

your body metabolism rate will drop. heartbeat drops. your bones will grow ONLY when you are asleep

Do boys grow while they sleep?

All children grow continually, asleep or awake.

How do people grow?

Magical fairies fly down when your asleep and sprinkle growth dust

How does a person grow and develop?

All the time but mainly when your asleep, but i dont know that question!! :-)

Is a leg asleep dangerous?

only if your walking

I fell asleep against my girlfriend and apparently gave her friction burn what did i do and how?

Frankly, only you and she were there, only she can tell you. Does she think you were not asleep, so did it on purpose? Has she shown you the burn?

What if your mother's brother's only brother in law is asleep om your couch Who is asleep on your couch?

Her husband. My dad/stepdad.

How can you grow taller in your sleep?

You already do. When you are asleep, as a child or teenager, you grow very much (relative to how much you would normally grow in the daytime). Since you are not using your body as much, the body can make its repairs and grow.

Are you asleep when you get cicumcised?

No, normally you have only local anesthesia.

Do fish eat when they sleep?

no. they dont eat while they are asleep. they only eat when they are awkae because if they eat when they are asleep, they might choke(?)

Does hair grow faster at night?

Hair actually grows slower while you are asleep then when you are awake because your heart rate slows and most of your body almost goes into a shut down mode so the more your awake the faster your hair is going to grow