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Q: Do you need to stay off feet when you have a blood clot in your leg?
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How long to stay in hospital after having a blood clot removed?

3 days

What is that stuff in the bottom of a vial when blood work is drawn?

You are probably seeing the serum separator gel. After the blood in the tube clots, they spin it to separate the clot from the remaining fluid (serum). The gel will move in between the clot and the serum so they stay separated.

Why do think the red blood cells stay in these blood vessels?

because it can flow also blood in these blood vessels or the stay there if the cells need oxygen

Why does the frog's skin need to stay moist?

Its a cold blood animal.

How muck blood does a bat need to stay healthy?

you mean how MUCH

Soccer physiological attributes?

You will need to have good strength and fitness, will also need to be strong and stay on your feet

Why does thrombi form in the arteries?

A thrombosis or thrombus is a blood clot. They can develop in any vein, but especially in the femoral veins of the thighs and in veins located in the calves. While many health issues can result in a clot developing, the most common reasons are a combination of these facts:inability or failure to move about frequently; inactivity, including jobs that require sitting for long hoursinability or failure to stay adequately hydratedhigh cholesterolhigh blood pressureany circulatory condition in which the blood vessels become narrowedA clot usually begins with RBCs becoming sticky, such as when the person is dehydrated. The sticky RBCs attach to a vein wall. As more blood swooshes by and past the sticky spot, more RBCs also begin to stick to that spot. A vein may have just a bump of sticky RBCs, or the clot can fill half or more of the vein lumen (the hollow part of the blood vessel).IF the clot stays together, it can block off the flow of blood completely. The limb below the clot might get hot, red, painful, swollen--- or there may be no symptoms. If severe, the entire limb may swell. The clot may form a clothesline-like structure, filling a vein for many inches or even feet.IF a portion of the clot breaks off, it becomes an embolus. It can then travel to the heart, lungs, or brain where it can cause considerable damage or even death.

Why would a chemical that keeps blood from clotting be benefial to leeches?

Because that's their primary food source. A leech wants to stay undetected as long as possible. If the blood were to clot the leech would then have to reopen the wound therefore jeopardising their position on the animal they are drawing nutrients from.

What five things you need to stay alive?

water, food, shelter, air and blood

How long does perocet stay in the blood that it can be found in a blood test?

This will stay in your blood for all of your life. Unucky!! This will stay in your blood for all of your life. Uucky!!

Why do the red blood cell stay in the blood vessel?

Why do you think that the blood cells stay in the blood vessels

Can you lift either foot off the ground in a throw in?

In a throw in both feet need to stay on the ground. You may get a running start and drag one foot behind you, but both feet need to stay on the ground. If a foot is lifted the throw in will go to the other team.