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I think you should you never know if that guy has something

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Q: Do you need to see a doctor after the cherry is popped?
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Bleeding after sex?

for a girl? That's because there "cherry" has popped which causes bleeding. For a guy? Then they need to see a doctor.

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Go and see a doctor

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Unfourtunetly, yes a doctor could tel if he/she had to look at your vagina for whatever reson, they would see if your hymen has been ripped (or your cherry has been popped) but i dont think he/she would say anything, so dont worry about it!

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See a doctor or chiropractor.

Are girls scared when their cherry gets popped?

O.K...First off crazy question, lets not say cherry popped, lets say having intercourse for the first time and see blood....and I don't think you should be scared, I mean it hurts it will be your first time but if you are ready for sex then go for

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yes, i need to see a doctor for frostbite

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If you suspect you are having a miscarriage you need to see a doctor, yes.

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No and if you have black stool you should go see a doctor.

It means that you are tapped in the head and need to see a doctor maybe?

It means you are mental and you need to see a doctor.

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unfortunetly no because if eye has popped the he cant see and you cant replace a eye.

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== == * You need to see your specialist right away to be sure you haven't done further damage. Your doctor will probably take an x-ray to be sure the surgery he did on you has worked and your knee hasn't popped back out.

Need to see a doctor for sputum?

no its temporaly