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Depends on your definition of 'injured' (some people may consider joint diseases/conditions different to injuries), but not normally.

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Q: Do you need cruches if you are not injured?
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Do you get cruches when you brake your toe?

it depends what toe you brake whener you get cruches

If you broke your tibia bone are you likely to need cruches?

more than likely if you break you tibia you will need crutches yes.

Do you need cruches for a twisted ankle?

Yes, its painful too walk on so you shouldn't be putting weight on it so therefore you need crutches to take of the weight that shouldn't be on it.

What joint does the crunch work?

what joint does the cruches work

Did Niall Horan have cruches?

OH yes!! he had to when a squirrel attacked him.. :'(

Why as Niall Horan have cruches?

He had a major knee operation 6 weeks ago

How do you spell cruches?

The word sought is likely "crutches" (wooden or metal walking supports).

What are cruches?

Cruches is like a cane but with different features.cruches help with injuries like a fracure or a sprain.they help u walk when u cant put pressure on the injury.if they are not ur size then u can fix them. U can get them at places like cvs.hope this is the answer!

Why on paparazzi does Lady Gaga have cruches?

Because at the start of the video she was pushed off the balcony at her home.

How many people were injured in the hati earthquake?

About 2,000-4,000 people where injured and need new limbs

Do you get a cast on a broken hip?

Yes, you do it covers your hips and some of your legs! With one you may need a wheel chair or cruches to use so you can get around places with your hip cast!

What happen to Justin Bieber that he had cruches?

on stage in a live performance he fell and broke his foot but he kept singing.