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Q: Do you need a DEA number to obtain Acepromazine?
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Is AD2456991 the correct dea number for Valium?

A DEA number is a specific number to prescribe rs that they must obtain to write prescriptions for controlled substances. information in chapter2 in Mosbys Pharmacy Technician Principals and practice.

You are retired Physician and now need DEA number to write prescrition covered by insurance How do you get DEA number?

To obtain a DEA number, apply online or download a form at The cost is currently $390 for 3 years. National phone (800) 882-9539 The purpose of the DEA number is to permit you to legally prescribe controlled drugs. It is NOT intended to be a physician identification number. The AMA recommends that this number NOT be used for that purpose because of the great potential for abuse. The are other physician identification numbers, such as the UPIN and NPI numbers. These numbers are specifically for physician identification.

What does DEA number authorize on a prescription?

A DEA number is assigned to a medical provider. This number allows them to write prescriptions for medications their patients may need. The DEA number is registered with the Drug Enforcement Agency so that prescriptions can be tracked if necessary.

How do you get a license to train a dog for the Drug Enforcement Agency?

You do not specifically need a license to train dogs for any police work, but you will need a license from the DEA so that you can obtain the narcotics for training. You may also look for what are called Psuedo sents, which are the "same" to dogs, but you do not need a license to obtain, or have them.

What is the phone number of the Dea Museum And Visitors Center in Arlington Virginia?

The phone number of the Dea Museum And Visitors Center is: 202-307-3463.

Can a nurse practitioner apply for a DEA number?


How do you find your doctors DEA number?

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Why does a physician need a DEA?

A physician needs a DEA number to prescribe controlled substances. This is to help monitor the dispensing of controlled substances to the public.The DEA Form 224 (new applications), lists the schedules of controlled substances that the physician wants to handle. The physician must first be authorized by the state to handle those drugs before the DEA will authorize it. The physician will only be allowed to handle those drugs on their application.Registration must be renewed every 3 years. With the DEA number, a physician can be tracked easily if they are prescribing too much of a controlled substance. There are some doctors out there who prescribe narcotics and charge insane prices for visits and get rich in areas where drug abuse is prevalent. The DEA numbers are supposed to help control this by only allowing certain doctors (those who have applied for a DEA number and have been authorized) to prescribe them.

Does xanax require a dea number?

Yes, since it is a controlled substance it is one of the requirements according to the 2010 DEA Pharmacist's Manual

Can you report marijuana dispensaries to the DEA in Colorado?

Yes, you can.There is a DEA division in Denver, Colorado.The address is:12154 East Easter AvenueCentennial, CO 80112The contact number is:(720) 895-4040You can also submit a tip to the Colorado DEA office via their website. The link for that is below in the related links (may need to register to see the link).

Can a nurse call medicine in to a pharmacy with only the doctors dea number?


How to become a dea agent?

If you are interested in becoming a DEA agent, you would first need to earn a Bachelor's Degree. Most DEA agents major in criminal justice, police science, or another related field. You would then need to get in top physical condition. DEA agents must also be US citizens and between the ages of 21 and 36.If you meet these qualifications you should fill out an application with the Drug Enforcement Administration. If your application is accepted into the program, you will spend 16 weeks in a training program which will teach you everything you need to know for the position.If you are interested in becoming a DEA agent, you should read this article: visit