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pepto or that z medicine it works

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Q: Do you know good methods for heartburn?
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What is a good diet to follow to control heartburn? has a whole section for heartburn, which includes information about diets for minimizing heartburn.WebMD has a good list of foods that trigger heartburn, and you can extrapolate a diet based on that information.

Can anxiety cause heartburn?

i do not know that is why I am asking

Heartburn medications that does not cause diarrhea?

Do not know

What medicine is good for acid reflux?

Hello, I have had very severe heartburn for the last 2 years and have tried many conventional methods with little to no success. After following the novel treatment of Heartburn No More guide by Dr. Jeff Martin, all my discomfort of heartburn have healed completely. Now I want to share this novel treatment, here I leave the link:

What are the best methods for parents to effectively treat heartburn in a child?

The best methods for parents to effectively treat heartburn in a child include avoiding trigger foods, encouraging smaller meals, promoting upright posture after eating, and consulting a pediatrician for appropriate medication or lifestyle changes.

What food is good for heartburn?

There are some foods good for your heartburn such as fatty fish, whole grains, yogurt, fruits and vegetables. A good source of further information on your topic can be found at the following website:

Is drinking milk good for heartburn?

Skimmed milk would certainly be helpful in this regard.

Does heartburn hurt in your back?

when i get heartburn in tends to hurt my left side of my back i always mistake it for a heart attack but it only happens if i lay down or bend over so i know its only heartburn

What is good for heart burns?

A good remedy for heartburn would contain baking soda or apple cider vinegar. The best remedy is to take a daily over-the-counter (Prevacid, Zantac, Pepcid AC) heartburn medication (Ne that prevents the heartburn before it starts.

What is good remedy for heart burn?

A good remedy for heartburn would contain baking soda or apple cider vinegar. The best remedy is to take a daily over-the-counter (Prevacid, Zantac, Pepcid AC) heartburn medication (Ne that prevents the heartburn before it starts.

Will the reflux diet help reduce heartburn?

The reflux diet will help reduce heartburn. However, it is always good to try other diets if this reflux diet does not work. It is easy to reduce heartburn if you have a healthy diet.