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No you shouldnt actually have to use crutches i damaged the tissue in my ankle last night the hospital didnt give me any crutches at all just to gradually put preassure on the ankle and lots of pain killers.

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Q: Do you have to use two crutches if you damaged your tissue in your ankle?
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What is the verb form of walking on crutches?

Do you mean a verb form of crutch? A long time ago, you could say something was crutched by someone or something, but we don't use it anymore that I know.If you're looking for a better or different way of saying "walking on crutches," you'd be better off using a synonym for walking that implies "with difficulty" like hobbling.You can say, "He walked on crutches for two weeks.""He can walk on crutches.""He was walking on crutches.""He will be walking on crutches at this time tomorrow."These are all verb forms of to walk.

How long will you have to wear an ankle bracelet for assault?

My friend have worn the ankle bracelet two years.

What is the function of the ankle?

There are two ankle joints - the upper ankle joint and the lower ankle joint. The upper ankle joint is a hinge joint and helps in bending and stretching. The lower ankle joint helps in pronation and suppination of the feet.

Which muscle contracts in the ankle?

There are two: the tibialis anterior muscle aids in inverting the ankle and dorsiflexing the foot and the peroneus longus muscles aids in everting the ankle and plantarflexing the foot.

Ankle broken in two places and displacement how long to heel?

I broke mine in 4 places with dislocation and it took me 6 months before i was fully off the crutches and walking nearly normally. Reckon you'll be able to tell the weather outside every winter without even looking too. The arthritis that sets in can be chronic!

Scientific name of ankle bone?

tarsals.talus is the name of the ankle bone, Tarsus is the general name for the group of bones of the foot, excluding the bones of the toes. In general, the articulations between the leg bones and the toes.[And just to confuse things, tarsus is also the name of the plate of tissue in your eyelid.]BTW, geologists use talus for the curve of debris at the foot of a cliff - the association is two fold, it has a curve like an ankle; and it is at the foot of the cliff.

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How many syllables does the word ankle have?

There are two syllables. An-kle.

What are the two types of vascular tissue called?

The two types of vascular tissue are xylem and phloem. Xylem tissue moved water and materials dissolved in it from roots to leaves. Phloem tissue conducts nutrients.

What is the tissue that connect two bones called?

The tissue that connects two bones are the ligaments

What are the two types of tissue repair?

Nervous tissue and myocardial tissue

I torn the ligaments in my ankle and tore some bone off as well about two months ago. I was casted for just over two weeks. Will I need reconstructive ankle surgery for torn ankle ligaments?

Not necessarily it depends how bad and get it x-rayed a doctor / nurse will decide on further treatment