Of course! You need to be clean. It's gross and repulsive. I suppose you could go without showering, but you'd better live your life in a hole. It wouldn't hurt yourself physically not to, but it's disgusting!
Take a shower or a bath
You can take a shower if you have Chlamydia.
To take a shower is US English; to have a shower is UK English.So they are both correct.
Simply "I'm going to shower." would work. Have a shower makes more sense. It is hard to take a shower. If you take a shower any place, you just have a bucket of water. However, "take a shower" is the common way of saying it, and is considered correct.
You say to them hey take a shower with me :p
Not everyone takes a shower after they take a dump.
to take a shower with it to take a shower with it
I believe in the US "take a shower" is more common. "Have a shower" may be more common in other places.
When is the right time to take a shower? I will be happy to solve that. You see, if you don't shower at all, you will get lots of bacteria on your body, and nobody likes that AT ALL, right? If you take a shower WAY WAY WAY too much, you might wash away some things that can protect you. What I recommend you to do, is to take a shower today, and take a break from taking the shower tomorrow, but you will have to take a shower the day AFTER tomorrow. I hope you got it.
You must have taken a hot shower.
It depends how long it takes you to shower
It is to take a shower.