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Q: Do you have rapid eye movement when your in deep sleep?
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A baby is having a deep sleep does he show any movement?

R.E.M. Or rapid eye movement is a sign of deep sleep.

What does the REM part of REM sleep mean?

Rapid Eye Movement

What is non-rapid eye movement sleep?

Non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep-- A type of sleep that differs from rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. The four stages of NREM sleep account for 75-80% of total sleeping time.

REM sleep refers to?

Rapid eye movement is associated with dreams in the early hours of the morning.

What is REM . sleep?

R.E.M Rapid Eye Movement

What do the letters from the group rem stand for?

Rapid eye movement. Used to talk about a phase of sleeping when the eyes make rapid movements.

What is the stages of sleep?

The deepest stage of sleep is REM or Rapid Eye Movement.

What part of the sleep cycle is narcolepsy associated with?

the deep, dreaming part of sleep known as rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. Normally when people fall asleep, they experience 90 minutes of non-REM sleep, which is then followed by REM sleep. People with narcolepsy, however, enter REM sleep immediately

What are the rems of sleep?

REM stands for rapid eye movement.

What are the main phases of sleep in humans?

The two main phases of a persons sleep, is REM sleep, Rapid Eye Movement, which is when you dream, and just a normal deep sleep. This happens every 90 minutes.

Is REM sleep a quiet or active sleep?

REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep is active sleep.

What is REM when you are sleep?

REM stands for Rapid Eye Movement and signifies the deepest stage of sleep.