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When I did an experiment on the Old Wives Tale "Does eating ice cream before bed cause nightmares?" I did research and most people said it does. When I did it I didn't have nightmares, but I did experience some strange dreams. It was the same results with my partners. My partners and I concluded that the Old Wives Tale is false... Unless you count weird dreams as nightmares...

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Q: Do you have nightmares if you eat ice cream before bed?
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Do you have nightmares if you eat icecream before bed?

Yes. Myself and my wife have nightmares, following eating dairy products before going to sleep, specifically, ice cream and/ or milk.

What supplements help stop nightmares?

right before you go to bed . tackle ur little brother and eat a large tub of ice cream . ur nightmares will never some back .

How do you cure nightmares?

marijuana blocks all dreams and nightmares, completely. sleep like a baby trust me. Eat a THC cookie if you don't smoke before bed.

Is it bad to for children to eat chocolate before they go to bed?

Well I think it could be a bad idea for children to eat cheese and chocolate or most things before they go to bed it will cause nightmares. I think you can try to eat chocolate 2 to 3 hours before you go to sleep (Or more).

What is a healthy diet for an 11-year-old?

Mostly candy and ice cream, caffeine speeds up the metabolism and aids with growth. It is advised to eat the most sweets before bed because people do most of their growing in their sleep, that is why we eat ice cream or desert before bed.

Why do you get night mares?

Many people who suffer from depression will get them. Also, if you watch a creepy movie, even if you're an adult, you can get nightmares. Also, sometimes if you eat then go to bed right away, you'll get nightmares. Or if you think of creepy things before falling asleep.

Can chocolate cause intense nightmares?

Last night I ate about one-third of a bar of chocolate I had bought at Trader Joe's. I went to bed not long after. I had terrible nightmares and the next day I did not feel well. Yes, eating chocolate before bedtime causes horrible nightmares.

Im underweight is it ok to eat ice cream before bed every night in attempt to gain weight?

No, because ice cream contains sugars and this can lead to health problems such as obesity or diabetes.

Why does going to bed on a full stomach give you nightmares?

If you eat so much that you are in gastric distress then this 'feeling' will be a dominate emotion during your dreaming time.

Why does cheese make you have nightmares if you eat it before you go to bed?

This hasn't yet been proved true by doctors, but for a lot of people, it can not only give you nightmares, but can make you really gassy, because you're body is still digesting, and your laying down, which makes it harder. Both of these put together, can really give you a bad sleep!

How can you give yourself nightmares?

You can give yourself nightmares by watching scary movies or reading frightening stories before bed, experiencing stress or anxiety, or consuming heavy or rich foods close to bedtime. These factors can affect your brain activity during sleep and contribute to the likelihood of having nightmares.

What are ten best foods to eat before bed if you're starving?

There are a few good things to eat before going to bed. The healthiest foods to eat would be fruits and vegetables.