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Some places do give you some form of reimbursement, check with the place before you go.


Blood Donation is the biggest donation in the world. As we all know, tragedy occurs every other day and we hear about blood shortages. We cannot let people die short of blood. Our blood can give life to someone, someday. Hence, it is our duty as an Indian to stand up to the situation.

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In the UK and all EU states, payment or gifts to the donor's family, in the return for an organ are illegal.

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Hahaha no

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Q: Do you get paid for donating an organ?
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What is meant by Donor Expenses?

Donor Expenses are expenses incurred by the donor for donating an organ (excluding the cost of the organ) to the insured during the course of an organ transplant all the hospitalization expenses are paid by the insurance company.

Is Rh factor a factor in donating an organ?

i think that !

What type of doctor would you go to if your donating a organ?

A surgeon

Was Thomas Jefferson an organ donor?

No. Medicine was very primitive in his time and organ donating wasn't practiced.

Is there paid volunteer work in Africa?

Volunteer work is just that, volunteered not paid. Volunteering is basically donating your time.

Is there a charge to the family of a dead organ donor?

NO, no cost is charged to the family or the deased for donating organs

Are Christians allowed to be organ donors?

Donating organs is part of giving. And the bible promotes giving.

Who pays for an organ donation?

My insurances paid for my organ transplant but monies were also paid to the donor's medical bills (if I am not mistaken.)

What is the reason for a right kidney removal?

The removal of a kidney is a large decision that could be caused by a variety of reasons. Some of these include a failing organ, or donating the organ to another patient.

Can someone be and organ and tissue donor and still donate the body to science?

Yes, it is possible to be an organ and tissue donor, while also donating your body to science. Organ and tissue donation usually occurs before death in a hospital setting, whereas donating your body to science typically involves donating your entire body for research or education purposes after death. It's important to communicate your wishes with your loved ones and make the necessary arrangements in advance.

Do organ doners get paid?

No, organ donors do not receive payment for donating organs. Donation is a voluntary and altruistic act that is done to save lives and improve the health of others. Donors' families may incur some costs related to the donation process, but donors themselves do not receive any financial compensation.

How do you get paid for donating plasma?

I donated today 880ML. One visit $30 Second visit $40 in same week.