You do not get drunk faster standing up. You feel the affects of being drunk as soon as you stand up from sitting.
Standing, gives you more power.
drink faster. ;)
i know you can die faster
151 Rum should get you drunk faster.
It is recommended in Hadith that water be drunk standing sitting but zam zam while standing . There are no arguments on orders given by Allah or Prophet Muhammad SAW .AnswerIt is recommended in shia Islam that water be drunk standing at day and sitting at nights.
It will go flat if you sit up because you will get gas.
Those with a higher alcohol content
it will depend on the alcohol content compared to other drinks. the reason people tend to get drunk faster on sweet drinks such as alco-pops is that they are easy to drink so you drink more of it faster. So it's the amount you drink and speed you drink it that gets you drunk faster. But given a certain amount of alcohol ingested, if it is enough to make you drunk under ordinary circumstanaces, it will make you drunk - and deathly ill to boot - if it is heavily laced with sugar.Say that four straight glasses of white rum will make you reeling drunk. Four straight Bahama Mommas with the same amount of rum will make you reeling drunk and miserably sick , too.
No. That is an old myth. There is no truth to it at all.
Yes, Drinking different types of alcohol does get you drunk faster because every alcoholic knows every drink holds a different amount of alcohol in it
You may have a hangover while your body tries to get the alcohol out of your system. Drink more water.