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Q: Do you feel that poor grooming habits prevent his getting date?
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kiss not call call too much say i love you

Is it normal for wife to want to date another woman?

It is not normal for such habits. But it is normal for them to be friends.

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How long should you date before marriage if you are over 50?

The time that you should date before getting married if you're over 50 will be a personal preference. Some people have dated for just weeks before getting married.

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that depends on your school, and the date

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: ) Hailey : )

What are the ainchient Egyptian grooming habits?

Ancient Egyptians placed a strong emphasis on personal grooming. They frequently bathed in the Nile River using a mixture of natron and oil to clean their bodies. Egyptians also valued beauty and used cosmetics such as eye makeup and scented oils. They shaved their heads and wore wigs or elaborate headdresses as a fashion statement.

Is beef vegetable soup good after experation date?

Most foods are not good after expiration date, especially meats. If the soup is a couple of days old, it usually isn't too bad because there's extra sodium added to soups to preserve them. If the soup is really old, I would recommend discarded it, to prevent getting sick.

What date are Katie Price and Peter Andre getting married again?

They aren't getting married again..

I don't want to date. How can I prevent it?

Nobody can make you date. If you don't want to, just don't do it. That means if anyone asks you to be their boyfriend/girlfriend, say no.

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