Lozenges are sucked on until small and thin. Then, the small pieces can be swallowed. You swallow the saliva mixed with the lozenge's medicine.
Ladybird Beetles have mandibles that move from side to side. They bite off their food with these mandibles and swallow the food.
with their mouths. chew chew chew swallow.
I would have to say chew! You could chock when you suck on an orange.
usually swallow. the package will tell you to chew them if that's what you are supposed to do
Of course. If it doesn't say " Do not swallow" then you can swallow it. Simple as that.
Yes you can, but you usually chew it and then swallow it. It will not be too bad if you did not chew it though.
Since they have no teeth they can't chew their food, so they swallow it.
No they do not, they swallow their food whole.
Chew gum or suck on a breath mint. When you swallow it will help equalize the pressure changes in your ears and get rid of the "bubbles".
No. There is a rational reason that they are "swallow only."
chew and swallow