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No Deanna you do not, so stop having Jada to look this up. Lol

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Q: Do you blink in your sleep?
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When do kittens blink?

all cats blinks it's just that they dont blink that much cause they always sleep

Can toads wink?

yes toads can blink how do you think they sleep

Why do cats close there eye's?

The same reason you do. To blink, sleep or protect their eyes.

Do you blink in are sleep?

Yes, your eyes move constantly and a lot during the REM phase of sleep. REM stands for Rapid Eye Movement.

Do chinchillas blink?

Yes almost all farrets sleep with eyes open or partially open

Does a turkey have eyelids?

Birds have three eyelids.Yes. They don't show a lot but you can see them blink and they are closed when they sleep.

How times a day does the average person blink?

I'm not sure but I'd have to say over 200,000 times a day because of the 24 hour thing.... If you didn't know you still blink in your sleep.

Can you blink while sleeping?

No, blinking generally stops during sleep. This is because the body's autonomic nervous system, which controls functions like blinking, typically slows down during sleep to preserve energy and allow the body to rest.

When was Blink Blink created?

Blink Blink was created in 2001.

When it rains do deer blink frequently like humans?

No. When it rains they will make a nice cozy bedding and sleep until the rain stops.

What is the future tense of blink?

The future tense of "blink" is "will blink." For example, "I will blink my eyes."

Do ducks blink?

some fish blink but most do not. out of all the fish i have the only fish that can blink are my corydora catfish. and btw they DO sleep too. someone has a lame sense of humorno they dontPuffer fish can blink also