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Q: Do you apply permethrin everyday
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How often do you apply permethrin cream?

For Demodex Folliculorum, it is recommended twice daily for 3 weeks.

Should you apply permethrin 5 percent under the foreskin of your penis tip if you have scabies?

Scabies? If I were you, I'd get circumcised!

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Does Permethrin Cream 5 percent stop bed bug bites?

Permetrin creams are used against scabies. To kill bed bugs you should apply a specific method.

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Permethrin will kill crickets that are in the area where it is sprayed. It does not keep crickets from coming back to that area though.

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Can you buy 5 percent permethrin cream over the counter?

You can buy permethrin over the counter at a %1 strength which is strong enough to kill lice but the kind of permethrin (%5 strength) that cures scabies you need a prescription for

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