Well, when we have gotta go we've gotta go. When i was 14, i remember being at my trident, there was an alleyway nearby, some teenagers were hanging around there. So i just went at the corner of the ally. simple! Men why don't you try it!
TIP FOR MEN: When you need to pee again, go in your back garden. It's a little practice for you. (Make sure nobody is looking)!
i do it all the time
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In my experience, not so frequently. It's a little harder to do and not make a mess of their clothes or their legs/feet, so most avoid it if they can. However, if there's no other place, and no suitable indoor facility within a reasonable time/traveling distance, they certainly can and will. Generally, they don't stand up :-D
I did read that the U.S. military has issued "tubes" that women can use so they don't have to squat down to urinate in the field. Can't remember the source, though.
Also, I can't speak for naturalists, nudists, etc., but there's still a bit of an issue there ... it's just not about messing up their *clothes*. :-)
First of all, women's urine does not follow a direct path. When women pee, it's more life a faucet. When you run the faucet into the sink, everything is fine. But think about when you turn on the kitchen sink, and you have the faucet pointing against the wall of the sink. It's one water flow, but if it's not channeled properly, the water flow will spread out, all over the sink's. That's what happens when women try to pee outside.
If she attempts to go outside, it will drip down her leg, onto her clothes, and most likely down to her feet, and into her shoes. This is sticky, messy, embarrassing, and causes great odor.
Secondly, women must squat. If she attempts to go standing up, it will cause even worse, "leg mess." However, squatting is difficult. Usually outdoors it is difficult to find a place, without getting sufficient dirt and grass on the bottom and intimate areas. (This brings up the 'bug' concern....) If she manages it, she must still be concerned about not getting dirt and grass all over her pulled down pants.
Because pee causes mud, if she sits down all the way, she will get pee mud on her bottom. If she squats low, the pee mud still might splash, or at least, the "pee river," will flow into her shoes, and probably on the bottom of her pants. Which, if she has them pulled down all the way, the "bottom," is probably the middle. Nevermind, the whole "wiping," thing....
On top of all of this, then there is the privacy issue. If she is unfortunately spotted, a woman with her pants down, will get much more unwanted attention than a guy with his wanger out. Women know that opening themselves up to this kind of attention can, under some circumstances, even prove to be dangerous.
So, to answer your question directly, do girls pee outside--no, not usually. And, now you know why.
So, the next time you are out camping, and your girl won't pee outside, have some compassion, and find the girl a toilet. It's not that she's being high maintenance and prissy. It's that it's just not that easy. Girls can't just, "whip it out," like guys.
And, to all you smart a$$es, yes, cavewomen went outside, it's true. But, do you want to date a woman that smells like a cavewoman?
Quite simply. You just pull your pants and underwear down to right above your knees, squat with your feet apart, relax, and let it out. Obviously you want to do this in a very private place (like the middle of the woods). Trees, bushes, and rocks are good things to hide behind. If you were wearing a skirt, I guess you would just lift the skirt a little and pull down your underwear.
Women urinate through their urethra.
I didnt know girls did pee
try putting the pee pad outside. make sure the dog knows that it's outside. every time the dog pee's in the house, you need to let the dog know that that's bad by saying no in an angry voice and putting it outside. once the dog starts peeing outside, you can get rid of the pee pad.
a woman pee point is called urethra
Of course women, if they can direct their streams horizontally. Have you ever heard how women pee? It's much louder than men.
I guess id k???? Probaly;
we pee out of the urethra, but we sit down we can also pee standing up, but most people sit down
nope, can't say i ever do, but lots of women just pee in the shower -minus the squating!
EASY!! Take it outside
A women's chest is called her breasts 'Down there' is called her