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There are several reasons why a girl might want to be thin:

  • Influence by the media
    • All over magazines and the TV, there are mostly very skinny and beautiful girls. Many girls strive to be what they see through the media.
  • Through peers
    • Many girls see their thin classmates (who may be popular, pretty, etc) and want to be like them.
    • Many peers make fun of 'larger' classmates or acquaintances.
    • They want to impress the opposite gender.
  • Health
    • Some people are so 'large' to the point that it is unhealthy and they must lose weight.
  • Sports/Dance
    • If competitive/professional athletes wish to be successful, for many sports, they must also be thin (e.g. Figure skating).
    • Professional dancers must also be thin.
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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

Here is the correct or REAL answer backed by science, statistics and thousands of years of recorded history: Genetics and evolutionary gender traits selection for survival of the species.

The commonalities for both male and female beauty or even human beauty itself is mostly genetic and becomes more clear when we give up our arrogance and compare ourselves to other animals on this planet as we are mostly just evolved apes.

Perhaps the best person at conveying these genetic traits of beauty across time, cultures and even species(if not always the most accurate in all his theories) is "Desmond Morris". He is a world renowned human anthropologist has a number of books and documentaries on the subject, but the best or most accessible one as a starter is The Human Animal (1994, BBC).

Why "skinny", well that's not exactly correct either. Men are naturally attracted to what is generally the healthiest female body type for their future offspring plus some traits that developed alongside our evolution as Desmond and many others make a good case. So are anemically skinny women with insufficient body fat generally attractive to most men? No. From Kate Moss to the anorexic type of female forms is almost as unattractive as the morbidly obese ones. You can extend the same logic to breasts as it clearly benefits the newborns and if we are designed for many as possible, but not independent of the other traits.

Body and face symmetry are other examples of common beauty across sexes and most of the animal kingdom as they indicate less genetic flaws or closer to perfection. The beauty variations throughout history and cultures often exaggerated for political effect are far less and mostly outliers vs. the commonality. Cleopatra would still be considered quite beautiful today. Controlled studies of men across cultures today not only show common physical traits dominating their views of beauty, but far more independent of race or ethnicity than the media or politics would imply. The one clutched at is the rubanesque period (one moment in time, in one area), but what is neglected is a separate discussion of the painter's individual preference vs. society as a whole or the world at that time.

Prior to the advent of the programming and conditioning tools known as the media these days...cultures celebrating overweight or obesity (by definition) in woman as a positive trait has been either an extremely rare moment in history or mostly fictional. Today we can and have programmed computers to be able to rate "classic beauty" and the marketers and same media use digital techniques to purposefully exaggerate these genetic beauty characteristics on actresses and models already in the extreme 1% of beauty in our population to begin with....because it works on our ape brains.

Why is the concept of "fat acceptance" or that all of these common and well documented history, genetic, evolutionary and cross-cultural beauty traits are actually myths at the same time they are digitally messing with those same traits to the most attractive in society?

Money...lots...and...lots of money. Usually the correct answer for most deviations from what would otherwise be the norm without such influence. The food industry has purposefully messed with our normal and natural food ingredients(MSG, etc.) not just to make it cheaper, but as addictive as possible in the same manner as nicotine spiking so we eat well past our normal hunger levels. That this creates a cycle and since heavier or more obese people eat even more food is considered a positive. If companies also make money off selling dieting or health industry products or procedures either to deal with the complications caused by this excess fat or obesity if not directly then that is more money too. You should not be surprised by the fact that there is a "synergy" between selling the addictive cheap food that makes us fat and then products or drugs to deal with that situation too (sometimes companies sell on both sides too).

Has the media in all forms created an artificial ideal of beauty that almost no human woman can achieve? Yes as their digital enhancing of those already at the extremes shows. Does this mean that all men are naturally attracted to or expect such extremes? Not on average, but the one area or trait that is possible to control is body fat and muscle tone that is very hardwired into male attraction and it's predominant visual nature. You may need to avoid most or all processed foods or workout more to compensate, but men will always have a preference for what was originally designated as healthy body fat women (before they started messing with the scale) or perhaps still the scientifically ideal or as close without being obsessive and overly vain. (excess vanity is not attractive either)

***Below is the previous original politically correct, socially acceptable answer...aka Baloney.***

Mainly social conditioning. As men(and women) mature, they are able to rely less on the opinions of others in order to formulate their own. During this process the individual separates from larger groups to the company of smaller social circles and less outside influences as more individual decisions are made and self-confidence is gathered. An individual may still feel that "skinny" women are a more physically attractive, but not solely based on conditioning. Later in this process, body type is demoted in the field of attraction by other qualities deemed more important.

This linear pathway is not followed by everyone, of course, and certainly not at the same speed or trajectory. On an individual basis, it is better to not let the opinion of another of ones self to interfere with your own judgment of self. To strive to meet the desires of others is to live their lives and ideals and not your own. Just be your version of healthy, both physically and emotionally. Letting you be you will attract a much better "fit" for long term companionship.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

It is because many young girls and women believe it is more attractive to be thin. A lot of the time this is because of what is seen on television and magazines, but it can also be because of what is told to their face by peers, family members, or friends. However, it should be known that when it comes to body type, one size does not fit all and does not do everyone justice. Whatever looks best for a particular girl, whether it be thicker, thinner, or in between is probably what she should go with. But what is most important is that it should be a healthy weight and size for her and not based on looks alone.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

not all men do! some guys like there woman thin because it makes them feel better about them selves just remember your buetiful the way u r and dont let him change the real you if he dont like u then why is he with u

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βˆ™ 14y ago

That would depend on the woman. Every woman has her own preference.

I don't mind dating a thin or muscular man. I just wouldn't date an overweight man.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

They don't

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