It is normal for a girl to want threesomes if they had it with another person that she met at a bar or dreamed about having sex
No, you are wrong.
Statistics on the exact percentage of women who have had threesomes vary, but research suggests that it is relatively low, with estimates ranging from around 10-15% of women reporting having participated in a threesome at some point in their lives.
It means you have those tendencies.
i am bolivian and i personally like threesomes but it depends on the personality of the woman .
If it is a threesome made up of 2 fat women then maybe. Otherwise probably not.
no its not because it is perfectly normal
There is nothing in the Bible that says anything about lesbian THREESOMES. There is, however, something in the Bible that refers to 2 women having sexual intercourse. (Romans 1:21-27). In the Bible it is says that God gives up on women who decide to have sexual relationships with other women. Therefore, it is not accepted.
It is challenging to provide an exact percentage as preferences for threesomes can vary widely among couples. Research on this topic is limited and often relies on self-reporting, which may not always be accurate. Some studies suggest that a small percentage of couples may be open to or have engaged in threesomes, but it is essential to consider the diverse nature of human relationships and sexual preferences.