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yes woman love when you suck on their balls and make then hard... they enjoy it and i know because i do it all the time and your a sucker if your still reading this ;)

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Q: Do women dilate during menstruation
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What did wealthy women use during menstruation?

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Can Women Get Pregnant During Menstruation?

Do you gain weight on during menstruation?

Yes, usually. Most women gain about 2-5 pounds before and during menstruation, on average.

Do the chemicals released during menstruation affect other women in any way?

No it does not.

Why are women considered impure during menstruation?

There is no proper reason why the women are considered impure for menstruation. The belief came from mere anxiety probably. The belief seem to have evolved in various cultures, almost simultaneously, probably. There is nothing impure in the menstruation.

What can you do during your period?

You can do absolutely anything you like during menstruation - there is absolutely nothing that you can't do on your period. In fact some things can be better during menstruation, for example sex can be a lot more pleasurable during menstruation and many women find they're much more creative during menstruation so they may be more likely to create great works of art.

Can women in Islam be muezzins?

No, because a woman is exempted from prayers during menstruation. And in such situation, they cannot continue this duty on regular basis and not permitted to enter the Masjid (Mosque) during menstruation.

What is the iron loss during menstruation for female athletes?

The amount of iron lost during menstruation is a very little and insignificant amount to most women.

Is it normal to hate your period?

It's not normal to hate your period, but it is common. In our culture women are taught to think of menstruation only in negative terms - embarrassing, shameful, dirty, gross, smelly, inconvenient - and to ignore the many benefits of menstruation or how menstruation fits in with our wider cycles. Because women don't understand menstruation and feel uncomfortable discussing the subject it means that they are less likely to learn about menstruation in order to learn about benefits or how to manage problems like menstrual cramps. Furthermore women are taught that pain and inconvenience is to be expected during menstruation, and that women are slaves to hormones during menstruation or moody and irrational. It's no wonder women hate menstruation when that's all they're taught. A change in attitude can change all that.

Supertitious beliefs about menstruation?

Superstitious beliefs about menstruation include not washing your hair when menstruating. The superstitions about menstruation are myths and most women live life the same when they are menstruating. Superstitions that you cannot swim or bath during menstruation are false.

Can women can become pregnant at any time during their menstruation?

No, a woman cannot get pregnant during menstruation as there is no egg present to fertilise. However a woman may be fertile during menstruation, meaning that sperm may survive long enough in the vagina to still be around by the time she does ovulate.