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Smell horrible after being cooped up in nylons all day. My foot odor could kill someone. Ever since I stopped working/wearing nylons everyday, all is well.

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Q: Do women's feet smell more or different in nylons than no nylons?
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Related questions

Do all womens feet smell in summer months?

Yes, and men's too. All feet that sweat and are in shoes, smell.

How often does the average women's feet stink?

Womens feet do smell too trust me.

What do shoes smell like?

If they are new, they smell like leather or whatever they are made of. After they are worn, they smell like feet. Usually girls wearing high heels/flats on bare feet smell bad because they aren't wearing any socks nor nylons.

Why doe men like to smell womens feet?

Because to some men, feet are as beautiful as the woman's face, breasts etc. Not all men like to smell feet and those that do like to smell feet, do like all feet.

Does everyones feet smell different?

yes everyone's feet smell different.

Do women's feet smell more when they're wearing nylons?

yes...they do.. it is because wearing nylon socks makes our feet sweat more compared to cotton socks..and it's not only for women also men..

Do women's and men's feet smell the same. If not what is the scientific basis for the difference?

Different people's feet smell different, not because they are of different sexes, but because they have different bacteria living on their feet. The bacteria eat the oils and sweat that are present on your feet and part of their waste product causes the odor. If you have a different type of bacteria, your smell will be different.

Do womens feet smell nice?

It depends. Some women might use scented lotions and whatnot; others may not. If the weather is hot and sticky, then most people's feet are not going to be at their best.

Why do people get smelly feet?

People get smelly feet for different reasons. If they wear shoes or socks that are wet their feet will smell. They might have toe nail fungus or athletics foot which makes feet smell as well.

Do Black guys like Dominican womens feet?

Yes, Black guys like Dominican womens feet.

Do Black guys like Hispanic womens feet?

Yes, Black guys like Hispanic womens feet.

Do Black guys like Cuban womens feet?

Yes, Black guys like Cuban womens feet.