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some do and it becomes more accepted every day since it's stylish now for younger men to shave it

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11y ago

Some women do like bald men, but it depends on the personality. You could just tell them you got cancer.

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Most do not.

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Q: Do woman like bald man
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Must a bald man marry a woman with hair in order for his kids to have hair?

Not really it depends on the man and the woman's gens

If you were to name a character in a book something like Bald Man is that derogatory towards bald people?

well not really because if you are bald, then you are bald. You may not like being bald but it's a discriptive term not an insult. My husband is bald and ginger but it's discriptive not an insult.

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Bald Headed Woman was created in 1964-08.

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When was Woman Like a Man created?

Woman Like a Man was created in 2003.

Are bald men sexier?

it depends what kind of man you like girlfriend

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Why women prefer bald men?

This is undoubtedly an over generalization. Some women like bald men, some don't. Hair is generally considered to contribute to the sexual attractiveness of a person. But then, a woman may not necessarily be looking for a sexually attractive man, perhaps she is looking for a man with money, who can afford to buy her dinner. Statistically, bald men are more likely to be able to afford to pay for dinner.

When was The Woman Who Rides Like a Man created?

The Woman Who Rides Like a Man was created in 1986.

What is hairy and bald at the same time?

a "bald" eagle. A bald man with a beard.

One who does not like woman is a?

if a man doesent like woman then he is gay if a woman doesent like a woman then she is straight

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The Woman Who Rides Like a Man has 253 pages.