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Depends how much current is involved, how long it is induced, and what type of material the fillings are made of.

Most tooth filings are made from either amalgam or a a glass based resin, so depending on the particular melting points of the materials used it depends... You'd have to achieve a pretty high overall temperature to melt any of the materials used for fillings, (in the several 1000's of degrees Celsius range) So yes the fillings may melt due to an intense prolonged electrical current, but there wont be any person left to associate them with.

We've got a huge incinerator at my medical school where we cremate the cadavers at the end of each semester and return the ashes to their loved ones, if that was their wishes prior to donating themselves. And their metal teeth, false hips, etc. are in basically fine condition after complete cremation of the body.

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Q: Do tooth fillings melt from electric shock?
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