no, it is just an injection. the use of ageneral anesthetic would be unreasonable. it's over in just a minute. they may, however, do a spinal block depending on your condition
The epidural numbs the body from the waist down but doesn't cause you to go to sleep. However in some procedures, they also give you a sedating medication which wipes out all memory of the procedure and events in the OR.
If you are doing a sleep poster you could write about how we need sleep and the effects of not having any sleep. you could also do it about sleep walkers and nightmares/ dreams. i hope this is helpful to you.
You could give the horse a calpose injection it ill put it to sleep for a while.
how to make someone sleep by doing the strike of the sleeping cobra.
Surgeons do not knock you out. It is the Anaesthetist who knock you out when you get anaesthetised. You do get an injection and you float away to sleep .
They receive an injection that relaxes their muscles to the point of death.
Death by lethal injection is used to carry out capital punishment, when a person if first put death by first putting the subject to sleep and then stopping the heart and breathing respectively.
You do not need to sleep and doing so offers no bonus
If a 12 year old girl must be put to sleep for a procedure, the dentist will likely use general anesthesia, which is an injection. However, if complete unconsciousness is not needed, the patient may just be sedated with a gas.