

Do the mind and the body interact?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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βˆ™ 14y ago

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To know the answer for this question we must know what exactly body and mind are.

The body:

The body is made of just the isotonic component of the skeletal muscular system and thus movements occur due to the body. It deals directly with the real world, which the mind can't.

It has to be noted that the other organs like brain, liver, lungs, don't exist because we can't feel or control them. However, we can indirectly control them because all systems in the body have representation in the muscular system.

The mind:

All the skeletal muscles of the body isometrically contract and relax as a single unit called Unified Skeletal Muscle, popularly known as mind. Emotions, feeling, time, thinking, etc occurs in the USM only.

Mind is not something abstract.

Intimate relationship between body and mind:

Since body is the isotonic component of the skeletal muscular system and mind the isometric component of the skeletal muscular system they are intimately connected with each other.

The seven states of mind:

The mind is made of seven distinct states. They are,

1. Dreaming mind

2. Illusory mind

3. Voluntary mind

4. Semi voluntary mind

5. Involuntary mind

6. Status altering mind

7. Compulsive mind

Control of the body by the mind:

The Dreaming mind is the least and the Compulsive mind the highest power consuming.

Thus when we start changing the mind we are using in the above order our body would work more and but with lesser efficiency.

Emotions, feeling and time affect the body functioning.

Control of mind by the body:

The predictions of mind may be unrealistic because it has no direct contact with the real world. Since the body deals with the real world directly it controls the mind by sending feedback. Thus, a compulsion may be forced back to become just a dream.

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