Tahj Mowry does not have a girl friend at this time
Tahj Mowry's birth name is Tahj Dayton Mowry.
Tahj Mowry was born on May 17, 1986.
Tahj Mowry was born on May 17, 1986.
Tahj Mowry was born on May 17, 1986.
According to www.imdb.com Tahj was bor May 17, 1986.
Tia and Tamera do, in fact have a brother. His name is Tahj. He is their baby bro and he was in "Seventeen Again" with them.
Tahj Mowry and Tavior Mowry.
Tahj Mowry is dating Erica Ocampo. Tahj is the star of "Baby Daddy" and the brother of Tia and Tamera.
He has a boyfriend.
Carly Holt
not a half..... younger brother, Tavior Mowry