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There is no scientific evidence to suggest that sunflower seeds cause impotence in men. Sunflower seeds are a good source of essential nutrients like vitamin E, magnesium, and selenium, which are beneficial for overall health. Impotence, also known as erectile dysfunction, can be caused by a variety of factors such as medical conditions, psychological issues, or lifestyle choices, but consuming sunflower seeds is not one of them. It is important to maintain a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle to support overall sexual health.

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11y ago

Impotence (aka erectile dysfunction) is the inability of a penis to sustain an erection. Of the causes, 85% are physiological problems (not psychological), and diet (high fat and low fiber) does play a role. A recommended addition to the diet is sunflower seeds as a snack or on salads or in breads. They provide zinc which supports the prostate and improves testosterine levels.
Impotence (aka erectile dysfunction) is the inability of a penis to sustain an erection. Of the causes, 85% are physiological problems (not psychological), and diet (high fat and low fiber) does play a role. A recommended addition to the diet is sunflower seeds as a snack or on salads or in breads. They provide zinc which supports the prostate and improves testosterine levels.

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