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Not always true depending on the person's family history and ethnicity

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Q: Do short people weigh more than tall people?
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Why does a tall person have a different metabolic to a short person?

It really has more to do with total body weight than with height, but unless the short person in question is much fatter than the tall person, tall people are bigger and weigh more. The more people weigh, the more cells they have in their bodies, and every cell has its own cellular metabolism, so the more cells you have, the more total metabolic activity is going on.

Do tall people get more girls than shorter people?

There is no exact information as to whether tall people get more girls than short people.

Do short people balance better than tall people?

Tall people balance better because they have more mass!! Smaller people have better balance because they have a lower centre of gravity as they are closer to the ground, mass doesn't come into it.

Do small people get drunk easier?

Alchol affects people differently by weight. A tall person might weigh more then a short person so yes, a tall person would get drunk slower then a short person.

How much does a blade of grass weigh?

How tall is the grass? If it's tall, then obviously it will weigh more than if it's short. Is the grass dead and dry, or is it green? If it's dead and dry, it will weigh less because of lower moisture content. If it's green then it has a higher moisture content and will weigh more.

Does tall people want to be short and short people wants to be tall?

It depends on the person because some people like being short and some peoplelike being tall.

How many pounds should a 11 year old weigh?

A 11 year old should weigh 100-175lbs depending on how tall u r. if you are tall maybe you weigh a little more than that. if you are short maybe a little bit less. I am 4'8" and weigh 161.6 and my doctor says i am a perfect weight.

What is the best way to lose weight quickly if you are 5foot 6 inches tall and weigh 161 pounds?

The short answer is :eat less,exercise more.

How much should an 8th grader weigh?

it depends on your genes in your family. i would say 150 lbs. no mostly it depends on how tall you are,if your tall you should weigh more. id say a tll eight grader should weigh about 140-170 but a short eight grader, probably about 115-150

Is tall people a better swimmer or short people?

Tall people are better swimmers because they have longer legs than short people do.

How much should you weigh if you're 12?

it depends on how tall/short you are. But if you're really short its around 100 pounds.

How tall does a welder need to be?

The shorter the better. You can fit into more places to weld. You short people can always get a ladder, us tall people can't just get shorter.