If you're young, there's still a chance you might grow. Girls generally stop growing around 16, guys continue through their early twenties. If you are done growing, then you're done. There's no healthy way to get taller. Just be happy with your height and love yourself the way you are.
Someone who is short when they are young will not nessicarily be short when they are older. Children have growth spurts at different ages. Some may become tall when they are as young as six but others may take longer and grow at fourteen. Whatever age you grow at as long as you are healthy, you should not worry about your height...
i dont think so
Yes, from the time of your birth you grow older. At first this process is one of development (you grow up) then decline as you grow older.
Because once a year, they have a birthday which celebrates when they were born. On every birthday, you grow one year older. You age older and older until you die. ^^Don't lie
When horses are foals they have long legs and short tails. As they grow older they loose that gangly look and their tails get longer and bushier. Also, horses teeth are constantly changing throughout it's life.
ive heard that after 40 many people grow short because of bone shrinking... can't be sure though.
so we can tell our people and our knowledge will grow as we get older
(long story short) Because just like you, you grow older than eventually die :)
Because as you grow older, your reflexes start to worn out this causes them to become slow
as time grows, and people grow older... we find other people attractive. Typical male and female.
Yes, I believe that your skeleton does grow when you get older, along with your body.
8 million years because you never grow older and do your mother
yes no they can't you'll get really sore fingers if you do when you grow older