normally as you get older your reflexes are much slower because your brain is much slower.
Reflexes generally remain relatively consistent throughout a person's lifetime. However, reflexes can be influenced by factors such as age, physical activity, and neurological conditions. In some cases, reflexes may become less sharp with age or due to certain medical conditions.
Yes, age can affect reflexes. As we age, our reflexes tend to slow down due to changes in our nervous system and muscle strength. However, regular physical activity and exercise can help maintain and improve reflexes as we get older.
Sorry to say, but the older you get the slower your reflexes are. But with age comes the wisdom to temper your reactions.
Reflexes can slow down with age due to natural changes in nerve conduction speed, decrease in muscle mass and strength, and changes in joint flexibility. This can lead to delayed response times in processing sensory information and initiating a motor response, affecting reflexes. Regular physical activity and exercise can help maintain reflexes as you age.
Yes, age can affect reflexes. Reflexes tend to slow down as a person gets older due to factors such as a decrease in nerve conduction speed and changes in muscle strength. However, regular exercise and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can help preserve reflexes to some extent.
Several factors can affect reflexes, including the speed of stimulus, strength of stimulus, health status of the individual, and the age of the individual. Additionally, fatigue, stress, and certain medications can also impact reflexes.
"Reflexes 2" or "reflexes +2" indicates normal reflexes.
yes. as you grow older your reflexes can get worn out. this causes them to slow down
'Deadly Reflexes' is a good combat mod.
The ciliospinal reflex and the pupillary light reflex are classified as autonomic reflexes.
if you don't have reflexes,you can't move because your body like a rock and a reflexes.
Babies are born with reflexes. These reflexes, such as rooting and sucking, make it so the baby can survive.