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Pharmacies do not call doctors to confirm schedule II prescriptions. If they are unsure about the prescription, they may call the doctor.

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Q: Do pharmacies call doctors to confirm schedule 2 prescriptions?
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Why are there so many no prescription online pharmacies if it's apparently illegal?

It is illegal to operate a no prescription pharmacy within US borders, which is why these pharmacies operate outside of the US, usually in Mexico or Canada. It is not illegal to buy prescription strength medication over the internet. Many well known pharmacies such as NationMedication sell legal prescriptions online via US licensed pharmacies and use US licensed doctors to issue such prescriptions.

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In the US, they don't. It's pharmacies that keep track of, and report, narcotics transactions. Other prescriptions, not so much. Your local rules may vary.

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no, your prescriptions should be already on you records and they should also say what you needed them for

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Naturopathics are not licensed medical doctors. They cannot write prescriptions.

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There are many types of doctors in a variety of fields. In order to write prescriptions, an individual must be a licensed physician (MD or DO).

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Where did sick people get medicine from before there were pharmacies?

Medicine was generally provided by doctors before pharmacies came around.

Who can write prescriptions?

Doctors, physician's assistants and nurse practitioners.

Can a receptionist call in a refill prescription if the doctors says it's ok?

Office assistants, medical assistants, nurses, and even receptionists routinely call in prescriptions for patients under direct orders from the physician. I am a medical records clerk and call in dozens of prescriptions a day. Most pharmacies in my area know me by name and don't even ask what doctor's office I'm calling from.

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Most of doctors schedule a second ultrasound week twenty of the pregnancy

Can resident doctors write prescriptions?

Yes, resident physicians can write prescriptions. They are licensed (though not yet board eligible or board certified) physicians.