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A hormonal imbalance is one reason, endometriosis is another condition that can cause bad cramping, heavy flow, and long periods.
Your period last usually 4-6 days. It takes that long because your body has to get out all of the blood and padding that provides support for the egg in the uterus. Once the egg is not feralized, there is no need for the padding, so it goes away. Its only way out is your vagina.

* If you period last longer than 6 days, you may want to consult a doctor.

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13y ago
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15y ago

There are a lot of causes. Could be stress if only happens once every year. Go see a doctor or a gynecologist. It might be cancer of the uterus.

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13y ago

Well, yes. You get them every once a month or so, for the rest of your life. After a while, you get really used to it.

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