This is my pen. There are Angry Bird pictures on it. It is a six-colour pen. The colours are red, orange, green, blue, purple and black. I use the blue colour to do my homework corrections. I will use the orange, green and purple colours to draw pictures. My mum bought it to me when we went shopping . I think this pen is useful. I like it very much because it has many colours and it is beautiful.
The spy pen can take pictures by clicking the top of the pen.
Personification uses metaphors in its descriptions.
we use metaphors, in order to send the message accross or to capture the audience's mind.
my pen
To sound intelligent.
Spray yourself and then use the pen
People use metaphors to better describe how people act, look etc. It just helps with description eg. He is a pig. (He is unclean, messy and has bad table manners) Or you could use a simile eg. He is like a pig (The same as metaphors but a not quite as strong)
A poet may use metaphors to create vivid imagery, to convey complex ideas or emotions in a succinct way, and to provoke new ways of thinking or feeling in the reader. Metaphors can add depth and layers of meaning to a poem, engaging the reader on multiple levels.
A metaphor compares one thing to something else; it DOES NOT use the words, like or as.Example: Her hair is silk. Simple and straight, the effect of metaphors is that it aims to create imagery so that we may visualize the connection between two objects or things when they are not. Metaphors are just the use of direct comparison.