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Yes they are round.

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Q: Do nipples tend to be Round and not pointed?
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Why are bullets of guns round and not sharply pointed?

Depends on the gun. Some are sharply pointed.

Is the shape of rainrops same as that of teardrops?

When falling, liquid droplets of any kind tend to take on the shape of round at the bottom and pointed at the top (like a Hershy's kiss) due to gravity.

Why color of nipples are different?

It's all dependent on which race you are. Women from Europe tend to have pink nipples, while those from Africa or Sout America have much darker nipples. There are, of course, always exceptions to the rule.

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Something round at the bottom and pointed at the top?


My nipples have got darker but its just a round circul round your nipple that is dark what could be wrong or could it be nothing?

Could be pregnant

Your nipples are hard is that bad?

no, if u r cold your nipples tend to get hard. Women will most always get hard nipples when aroused and most men wont, but some do. if u r Mae and get hard nipples when aroused it doesnt mean theres anything wrong it just happens.

Are nipples supposed to be hard all the time or just when you're cold or wet?

Everyone is different. When you are young your nipples may be hard a lot of the time. As you get older your nipples tend to become hard only when you are cold, wet or sexually aroused.

In which direction does the thermostat face when re-installing on a 1995 Kia Sephia?

When you look at the thermostate there will be a pointed side on top and a round part on the bottom. the round part goes toward the engine and the pointed part goes toeard the radiator

What if your nipples have a rock like object in them during a guys puberty?

The nipples do tend to harden a little once Puberty has begun so it should be nothing to worry about. If you are concerned then visit your Doctor who will examine them for you.

Why do nipples become round and soft?

Women's nipples only get hard when their horney.

Which one is which out of john and edward?

John has pointed ears at the top and Edward has round shaped ears.