

Best Answer
  • It was only up until a few years ago that scientists and doctors realized that indeed men do go through a change of life (much like menopause for women, but not as severe) and it is called, Andropause. For years it was called a 'mid-life crisis' starting around the age of 40 where men felt they were losing their identity and wanting to regain their youth and also find out if other females were still attracted to them. Andropause varies for different men. Symptoms can be moodiness; depression; lack of energy; lack of interest in a sexual relationship with their spouse; not sleeping well while some men may get a new hair style; new clothes; start acting younger; angry at their spouse for not keeping up with them; blaming the spouse; women watching and possibly cheating.
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Q: Do men go through the change of life?
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What age do men go through mid life crises?

Anywhere 40-55.

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Does men go through menopause?


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Yes, but much more for men than women.

I have a partner that has walked out on me to the point of losing everything and being very ill is abusive could he be going through change of life?

I hope that I'm getting this straight: you are a woman who is ill and who has been in a relationship with a man who is abusive and caused you to loose everything. And now you are asking me whether he is going through a change of life? If this is so, get with it! Men do not go through a change of life like women. Their sex drive ebbs gradually through the years and that change does not represent any emotional problem. So do not excuse his abusive behavior. You are fooling yourself if you think that this is a temporary state. The best you can do is to keep him away - if your description is accurate and, I assume it is - and go on with your life. Not all disasters have a bad ending. Join a support group - and women have many support groups - where you will have a chance to open your problems and get help.

what is Fight Club?

Its about letting go of a materialistic life style and not be tied down to the white collar world. The main character goes through a major life change through his experiences in fight club.

Why do people change when they go from poor to rich all of a sudden?

There may be many reasons for someone to change because of this. Going poor to rich is a drastic change in someones life. Most of us change psychologically when we go through major life events and changes. Specifically there may be a boost in confidence and feelings of self-worth in this situation.

I hate all people do you?

No, on the contrary, I find life much more enjoyable to go through when I don't hate anyone. You'd be surprised by the amount of change you go through if you decided to go with my mentality. Everyone seems so much happier. =)

Why don't men go through abuse?

because who is their to abuse them.

What do women go through that men don't?

Pregnancy , childbirth ,

How will Jonas's life change as he trains to be receiver of memory in the giver?

He'll have to go through a lot of physical and emotiona pain, and he will be very isolated and lonely.